Feathertouch Eyebrows, 3D brows, 6D brows, Hairstroke brows and can be done with either a cosmetic tattoo machine or a Microblading tool.
Here at Angela Q, Tauranga, we use specific disposable microblading tools which are only used one time then discarded along with the blade.
Microblading is a manual method of semi-permanent makeup where we implant pigment into the dermal (2nd) layer of the skin to create a natural hair stroke. Its is called semi-permanent as the pigment is not implanted too deeply and as your skin naturally exfoliates through lifestyle, skin type and sun exposure the colour will eventually fade. Following the aftercare instructions will help to ensure the colour does not fade too quickly.

The pigments we use are a man-made mineral mixed with an isopropyl alcohol and a glycerine for slip ability - these are safe and FDA approved.
You will be required to do two treatments, your first microblading treatment will consist of getting the initial shape and strokes, over the next 6 weeks the pigment will settle into the skin and migrate so at your second appointment we will touch up any pigment that has faded and add detailed strokes into your brow.
We use two types of anaesthetic throughout the procedure and it usually feels a bit scratchy... if you have any medical conditions or a sensitive around the time of your period, you may be a little more tender than others.
At your first appointment I will email you a screening form to complete which will include questions about your health and medication so I am able to assess whether it is safe for you to have microblading or give me a heads up to any conditions that may affect the procedure and healing process. Please avoid drinking alcohol or taking aspirin the night before your appointments.
Before the procedure starts you will be shown colour choices and recommendations and we will draw an outline of the shape you would like to have, you will also have a mirror to hold throughout the process if you would like to watch as we go... nothing will be done without your consent! Please allow about 3 hours for you appointment.
In terms of aftercare, you will be given a list of instructions but a few tips include, using bepanthen for a couple of days morning and night. Keep the area as dry as possible, avoid using oil based or active skincare. Avoid coffee, alcohol or activities at will cause you to sweat.
If you have anymore questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0279492406 or info@angelaq.co.nz or if you would like to book online here
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