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Let Me Make You Feel Beautiful!

So I've been asked the question - Why did you start your business? And I think the title of this blog may answer it!

That is what drives me every day to do and grow my business. I love to see a women look in the mirror and love what she sees staring back at her. I want her to look and feel beautiful!

Whether it be a spray tan to make you look gorgeously tanned, eyelash extensions to make your eyes 'pop' or a makeup application to bring out all of your amazing facial features, I want to do what I can to help you feel better about yourself and the way you look!

As mentioned in a previous blog I have always been a user and lover of makeup since about the age of 15. I would get alot of joy in doing my own and other peoples makeup for any occasion and still do!

Why freelance you ask?

I get to work my own hours, hours that suit my customers/clients, hours that suit my family and I! It also gives me the ability to be mobile as well as have my own studio at home so clients can come to me.

I also don't work well for other people as I'm definately no good at sales or targets! Its definately not a strong point for me as I don't believe in making someone buy something they dont need, want or can afford, which is why I do almost all of my sales are on a pre-order basis. I carry some stock but most I order in for people.

Why do I offer certain services?

I am primarily a Makeup Artist, I have added the additional services to mainly be a one stop shop for brides etc.

Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions - I often had brides not wanting false eyelashes due to how fake they can look (if applied incorrectly) which is where I saw an opportunity to provide semi-permanent Eyelash Extensions which can last from 3 - 6 weeks, which brides love as they dont have to worry about wearing mascara on thier honeymoon!

Spray Tans was also an often requested service and as a Makeup Artist it is good to know what colour is being applied as the tan is not usually done at the trial, so even if the client does not get thier face sprayed I still have to blend to match the neck/chest area, which is why I do recommend getting a light spray on your face as well - makes it alot easier to match!

Brow shaping is a skill I learnt from my training by Donna Mee. When I came back with my new found knowledge I started to take notice of peoples brows and how I could fix them... which is why I now offer brow services, whether it be hair removal or correct product application.

Makeup Lessons are pretty much the same as brows - I want to share my knowledge! I want other women to know how to choose and apply thier makeup correctly.

If you are interested in any of the above services please contact me or book online!

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